As of July 2020, RMTMA plans on hosting this event in person. We are closely monitoring COVID-19 and in the event that we need to move the conference online, we will let all our participants know.
Join us for our Annual RMTMA Fall Conference! This year, we are helping you manufacture the future. What does the next 5 years of manufacturing look like? What technology & processes will you implement for success? Our sessions will help you plan ahead for 2021, network with other manufacturing leaders, and meet new business connections. As we put 2020 behind us, let’s come together for shared ideas, best practices, and some fun! Join us.
Attendee fees include all sessions along with breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
Class Descriptions- RMTMA Fall Conference – Thursday, October 8 – Hartwig Facility
• Business Strategy & Planning
• Legislative Update with Omar Nashashibi
• Anodizing for Aerospace
• How to Take Full Advantage of Touch Probes
• Power Talking: How to Get Your But Out of Your Mouth
• Manufacturing: Where we've been and where we're going, and so much more
7:45-8: Opening remarks- RMTMA President, Justin Quinn
8-9: Opening Keynote George Walther
Power Talking: How to Get Your But Out of Your Mouth and Master the Language of Success
Most people acknowledge the power of positive thinking. Few, though, translate positive thoughts into verbal action. It’s what you say, and how you say it, that gets you ahead in business and in life. Knowing the secrets of Power Talking allows you to program your own brain to give yourself powerful advantages.
The way you speak dramatically influences your success in every area of life Nothing is more important than superb communication skills when it comes to advancing your career, winning and retaining customers, negotiating agreements, building harmonious and super-productive work teams, strengthening personal relationships, and resolving disputes.
The Action Plan focuses on nine Power Talking principles to implement daily. This “language of success” helps all people who talk! Senior management, supervisors, admin staff, sales and service personnel, even spouses––everyone can improve the effect of his or her communication using these simple, effective, actionable tactics.
More positive, productive communication that ensures you say what you mean and get what you want.
Smoother conflict resolution, higher sales, better cooperation with subordinates and peers.
Enhanced self-image that results in projecting far more favorable first––and ongoing––impressions for your organization and yourself.
9:15-10 Manufacturing: Where we've been and where we're going- presented by Peter Hancock, PEG Recruiting
A look back at where we started 2020... what COVID did to Manufacturing ... how do we see it evolving in the future with tariff’s, on- shoring and training a new workforce with automation.
10-10:15 Snacks & Break
10:15-11- How to take full advantage of your Touch Probe, presented by GIsbert Ledvon
This presentation will help the members to understand the value and better utilization of touch probes on their machining centers, providing them examples and facts to make the right selection for their application.
Many shops upgrading their machining capabilities and investing in sophisticated 5-axis machining centers, sometimes even with integrated automation solutions. In many cased the machines are ordered with a touch probe system the machine tool builder offers with that machine. But is this the right solution for a specific application the shop needs? We will discuss what touch probe types and features are available and how to use them based on machine type and application. Additionally we will review what role the touch probe can play in 5-axis machine accuracy and in process inspection.
The right touch probe for the job.
Taking advantage of 5-axis in probing combined with visual set-up.
Ensure 5-axis accuracy.
How to use inspection data.
11-Noon- Managing for Profits, Dave Capkovitz
12:15-1:30- Working Lunch & Keynote Omar Nashashibi
The 2020 Election and Manufacturing
NTMA’s lobbyist in Washington, D.C., Omar S. Nashashibi will provide insight into the 2020 elections, race for the White house, battle for the Senate, and whether Speaker Pelosi will lead the U.S. House for another two years. Every election effects the course our country takes but in the era of COVID-19, the outcomes in November could significantly impact the future of manufacturing in America. This presentation will review possible scenarios of a second term for President Trump vs a Joe Biden presidency and how their policies on trade, taxes, regulations and job training differ. In a world of ever growing uncertainty, gathering information you trust directly from Washington can mean the difference between striving and struggling in today’s environment.
Omar S. Nashashibi is a Founding Partner with The Franklin Partnership, a bipartisan lobbying firm based in Washington, D.C. and represents NTMA in our nation’s capital. Having lobbied for manufacturing associations in Washington since 2002, he is an expert on trade policy and tariffs, taxes, regulatory compliance, job training, and supply chain risk analysis. Omar has over twenty years of experience working with policymakers, politicians, and the media. He lobbies the White House, members of Congress and government agencies who issue thousands of new laws and regulations each year. Before founding his own firm in 2005, Omar worked for the Office of Management and Budget, part of the White House and a large multi-state law firm. Omar graduated from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where he studied Political Science and International Affairs.
1:45-2:30 Anodizing for Aerospace, presented by Heather Williams of Specialty Plating
Overview of what specifications are most common for Aerospace processing. Anodizing, black oxide, ad chromate.
2:30-3:30 Costing is a science, pricing is an art, presented by Jason Ray from Paperless Parts
The business strategy around estimating and quoting hasn't changed much in 20 years. The same issues facing job shops in 1999 when Wayne Chaneski wrote his MMS column on Getting the Most From Your Quotations still hold true today. Most shops have a win rate of 20-30%. This means that 7 out of 10 quotes sent resulted in no revenue. So why are shops spending so much time engineering estimates?
Learn how technology can turn the data generated in the quoting process into valuable resources for future business activities and reduce time spent on over-engineering quotes. Primary Topics:
Quoting strategies that increase revenue
The economics of costing
The true cost of quoting
The must-have customer experience
3:30-4:15 The Economic Future of Machine Shops, presented by Jack Kirr – MT Analysis, Economist
Machine Shop Productivity Trends
Near Shoring and Reshoring Trends
Machine Shops and Economy in the Rocky Mountains
Machine Shop Income Comparison
Machining Trends (e.g., 5-axis)
Machine Shop Output and Politics
2021 Machine Shop Economic Forecast
4:30-6- Dinner truck, drinks, NRL Silent Auction