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Scaling to Grow/Scaling to Exit- Presented by EBITDA

“Scaling” happens when Gross Profits climb at a faster rate than Revenues.  When Gross Profits climb at a rate faster than Revenues, then so do Operating Profits.

In this webinar we will discuss the primary levers for increasing Revenues and the primary levers for increasing Profits.  We will use clear and understandable language to make the case for approaching each one separately.  So many SMB owners focus exclusively on Revenues without an adequate consideration for Profits.   It is discouraging to see so many machine shops with revenues in the $1-3M range experiencing Operating Profits of less than 3%.

The key is growing profits – that’s how you should be keeping score!

Perhaps you have recently (in the last 1-3 years) become the owner of an SMB manufacturing company, and you are interested in growing it substantially.  Or perhaps you have owned an SMB manufacturing company for 30 years and will be spending the next 1-3 years preparing for a successful exit.  Or maybe you are somewhere in between.  Now is the time to pursue a strategy that features a modest increase in revenues and a substantial increase in profits.